November 19, 2007

Earthsday 1035-3-30

I'm considering something a bit unusual.

I've been Windurstian for most of my life, my family was exiled from San d'oria when I was just a baby. I only very vague memories of my original home, more feelings than images. I was raised here, most of my friends are mithra or taru. I've been, "the tailless mithra" my whole life. The woman I've always called mother, Tia is a mithra. I hadn't even set foot in San d'oria until I started adventuring.

And yet, here I am considering changing my allegiance. Since Garion left those many months ago I've spent a lot of time in San d'oria. I by chance met General Curilla who knew my father so long ago. The situation that lead to my families exile is still unknown to me but she and that city are the only way I will ever find out. My brother still resides there, he's a Royal Knight. I've caught glimpses of him about the city but haven't approached him. What he did to be allowed to stay within San d'oria when my mother and father were forced to flee leads me to be wary of him and keep my identity a secret.

For the past eight months or so I've been training as a Temple Knight, as my father was. Using Garion's last name and shortening my given name to what I prefer to be called anyway Amarith Til'Ordos and Amarithia Lysias haven't yet been discovered by most to be the same person.

I'm hitting barriers in finding out my history, because I'm Windurstian and San d'orian's have such distrust of foreigners. I'm hoping that if I fight under the flag of my people they'll trust me more and I can continue my efforts to clear my family's name. But ... it's such a bit move. I mean no ill will toward Windurst, of course not it's my home. I'm afraid of how my switch will be perceived by my friends here. It's something that requires more thought, maybe I should talk to Garion. He was San d'orian until he moved to Windurst to be near me. Wouldn't he be surprised if he knew what I was considering. Though to be surprised I suppose we'd actually have to be talking ...


Paul Bauman said...

Welcome back! Welcome back!

Hey, I thought you might want to register your blog URL with the Tarutaru Times. I've seen a couple of other RP blogs on there too.

Wyred is hosting it at:

Amarithia said...


Ooo, thank you very much! I hadn't seen that before.